My Allergy Journey: 12 Milligrams And My Happy Place
If you’re just joining us, welcome to my blog, which recently morphed from a blog about street photography and other issues related to the world of photography and observing into a journal of my treatment as an adult, which will hopefully eliminate severe allergic reactions that have been a stressor for my entire life. If you’re just here for the photographs, scroll down. If you’re dealing with allergies for yourself or a loved one, I hope you find this series interesting! Challenges Facing a Suburban Street Photographer As a street photographer living in the New Jersey suburbs, I’m always down for a trip to New York City. Many years ago, I lived in Chelsea, and loved every minute. I could leave my apartment on West 21st St and start taking pictures immediately. Bliss. On the other hand, the train ride into The City from where I live takes around an hour and a half. Walking around Manhattan for an hour or two is at least a half-day commitment. Getting treated for allergies has giv...